MEA Publications

Explorations in Media Ecology {EME}

Explorations in Media Ecology {EME} is a quarterly international journal dedicated to extending our understanding of media and media environments. EME welcomes diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of media environments, including (but not limited to) philosophical, aesthetic, literary, historical, psychological, sociological, anthropological, political, economic, and scientific investigations, as well as applied, professional, and pedagogical perspectives. In addition to scholarly articles, EME also publishes essays, commentary, and critical examinations relevant to media ecology as a field of study and practice. Inquiries should be addressed to the Editor-Elect:

Paul Grosswiler
Explorations in Media Ecology {EME}
Department of Communication and Journalism
420 Dunn Hall
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469

Proceedings of the Media Ecology Association

Our juried Proceedings, published in yearly volumes only on this Web site, represent the best papers submitted after presentation at each of our annual Conventions. Inquiries should be addressed to the MEA Internet Officer:

Phil Rose

In Medias Res

In Medias Res is the official newsletter of the Media Ecology Association. Although it has been on hiatus for several years, it is being revived. Inquiries should be addressed to the Editor:

Edward Tywoniak
Department of Communication
Saint Mary's College of California
1928 Saint Mary's Road
Moraga, CA 94575
(925) 878-9510

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