In Medias Res
The Official Newsletter of the Media Ecology Association (discontinued)
Volume 8, Number 2, Summer 2007
Volume 8, Number 1, Fall 2006
Volume 7, Number 2, Spring, 2006
Volume 7, Number 1, Fall-Winter 2005-06
Volume 6, Number 2, Spring, 2005
Volume 6, Number 1, Fall, 2004
Volume 5, Number 2, Spring, 2004
Volume 5, Number 1, Fall, 2003
Volume 4, Number 2, Spring, 2003
Volume 4, Number 1, September 2002
Volume 3, Number 2, January 2002
Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 2001
Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2001
Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2000
Volume One, Issue One, Inaugural Issue, Fall 1999
Volume 8, Number 2, Summer, 2007
- A Message from our President, Lance Strate
- Santa Clara University Site of next MEA Convention, Paul Soukup, S.J.
- Convention Co-Coordinator Weighs in on Mexico City, Fernando Gutiérrez
- Membership Matters, Janet Sternberg
- Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors
- Announcements
- EME Welcomes New Senior Editor
Volume 8, Number 1, Fall, 2006
Volume 7, Number 2, Spring, 2006
- The Seventh Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association; Prologues to Exploration, by Jim Morrison and Don Fishman
- Call for Nominations: Board of Directors and Editor of {EME}
- Proposed Constitutional Amendments for the Media Ecology Association
- President’s Message; Keeping on Track, Lance Strate
- Treasurer’s Report, by Thom Gencarelli
- Prologues to Exploration Thursday Schedule
Volume 7, Number 1, Fall-Winter 2006
- MEA Honors Careers of Dance, Carey, Levinson; Best publications, convention papers, video, Natalie Evans
- Election Results
- President’s Message—The Ecology of Organization, Lance Strate
- The Seventh Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association: Prologues to Exploration; June 8-11, 2006—Boston College
- Calls for Papers
- NYSCA 64th Annual Conference, October 20-22, 2006—Conscientious Objections: Communicating Dissent
- The 92nd Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, November 15-19, 2006; NCA Convention Theme—Creating Sites for Connection and Action, Casey M. K. Lum, MEA/NCA Program Planner
- Recent titles of interest
Volume 6, Number 2, Spring, 2005
- President’s Message—We Meet Again! Looking Forward to Convention 2005, Lance Strate, Fordham University
- The 2005 MEA Awards
- The Sixth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association
- Personals
Volume 6, Number 1, Fall, 2004
- 5th Annual MEA Convention Held at RIT, Sue Barnes
- Notes from Members
- Call Nominations to the Board of Directors
- President’s Message—Global Network of Media Ecologists, Lance Strate, Fordham University
- Notices of Interest
- The Sixth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association
- Call for Nominations for the 2005 MEA Awards
- MEA at ECA
- ECA President Is an MEA Member
Volume 5, Number 2, Spring, 2004
- 5th Annual MEA Convention, June 10-13, 2004, Media Environments and the Liberal Arts, Sponsored by The Department of Communication and The William A. Kern Professor in Communications, College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology, Sue Barnes
- Notes from Members
- President’s Message: Cycles II, Lance Strate, Fordham University
- Notices of Interest
Volume 5, Number 1, Fall, 2003
- 5th Annual MEA Convention, June 10-13, 2004, Media Environments and the Liberal Arts, Sponsored by The Department of Communication and The William A. Kern Professor in Communications, College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Nominations for 2004 MEA Awards
- Masthead
- Newsletter Editor Back
- President’s Message: Cycles, Lance Strate, Fordham University
- Walter Ong’s Death
- 4th Convention, 2003
- MEA 5th Anniversary Celebration
- Book Publication by Katherine Fry, Dept. of TV & Radio, Brooklyn College, CUNY
- Hampton Press Media Ecology Book Series—Mediating the Muse: A Communications Approach to Music, Media, and Cultural Change, Robert Albrecht
- Member News
- Teaching Media Ecology or Why My Students Love the Tetrad, Laura Tropp, Marymount Manhattan College
Volume 4, Number 2, Spring, 2003
- 4th Annual MEA Convention, June 5-8, 2003, Remapping Communication Environments, Sponsored by The Hofstra University School of Communication and Hofstra Cultural Center, Hempstead, New York
- President’s Message—The Tasks Ahead: Consolidation and Growth, Lance Strate, Fordham University
- Masthead
- Untangled Web—the New MEA Web site, by Jim Morrison, MEA Web Editor
- New MEA Logo
- Convention Speakers
- 2002 MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS, Janet Sternberg, MEA Executive Secretary
- MEA is an Affiliate of ICA, Casey Lum, MEA Vice President
- CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS: Visual Approaches to Website Analysis
- Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors
- Editor's Corner—Be Interesting, Raymond Gozzi, Jr.
- Listserv Troubles
- Comments from Peter Montgomery (a Canadian English Professor) on the MEA list, writing about media coverage of the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, Iraq, etc.
Volume 4, Number 1, September 2002
- President’s Message—Out of the Maelstrom, Lance Strate, Fordham University
- MEA Convention Draws over 200 People, Raymond Gozzi, Jr., Newsletter Editor
- Members’ News
- Treasurer’s Report, Thom Gencarelli
- Call for nominations to the Board of Directors
- Members’ News—International Activities
- Calls for Conference Papers, EME Journal, MEA Awards
- Members’ News—Publications & Productions
Volume 3, Number 2, January 2002
- 3rd MEA Convention: June 21-23, 2002, Marymount Manhattan College, New York
- President’s Message—A Journal is Born: Explorations in Media Ecology, Lance Strate, Fordham University
- Masthead
- Call For Papers—Explorations in Media Ecology
- The Media Ecology Association Internet Discussion List
- Members’ News
- Editors and Editorial Boards, Explorations in Media Ecology
- 2002 Membership Application/Renewal Form
- New Member Spotlight—Orality in the Popular Cinema of India, Sheila J. Nayar, English & Communication Studies, Greensboro College, Greensboro, NC
- Pamela W. Laird excerpt from ME listserv:
Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 2001
- President’s Message—Conventional Wisdom, Lance Strate, MEA President, Fordham University
- Masthead
- Convention Photographs
- From the Convention Coordinator, Dr. Janet Sternberg
- Convention Notes, Raymond Gozzi, Jr.
- The Media Ecology Association is proud to announce the winners of its 2001 Awards:
- 2001 Membership Application/Renewal Form
- Call for Papers and Panel Proposals for the MEA Program at the 2002 Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, November 21-24, New Orleans Sheraton & New Orleans Marriott
- Members’ News
- Call for Nominations for Election to the Board of Directors
Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2001
- President’s Message—The Continued Self-Organization of the MEA, Lance Strate, MEA President, Fordham University
- A New Format for Newsletter
- Masthead
- The Media Ecology Association is Now Officially Incorporated: An Interview with Treasurer Thom Gencarelli
- Media Ecology Book Series—Hampton Press to Release 2nd Book in Media Ecology Series: Susan B. Barnes, Online Connections: Internet Interpersonal Relationships
- Media Ecology Association on the Internet
- Members’ News
- Second Convention of the Media Ecology Association June 15-16
- The Editor’s Corner—Will the computer retreive literacy?, Raymond Gozzi, Jr., Ithaca College
Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2000
- President’s Message—Making Meaning by Convention, Lance Strate, President, MEA, Fordham University
- Masthead
- Scholarship in Brief—SCHOLARSHIP IN BRIEF—Constructing Civilizations with Carl Couch: Introduction to an Overlooked Media Ecologist, Donna Flayhan, Goucher College
- MEA To Showcase Inaugural Programs at NCA Convention, Casey M. K. Lum, Vice President, MEA, William Paterson University
- MEA Website Committee Has Been Formed
- Report from the Vice-President and IMR Editor, Casey M. K. Lum, William Paterson University
- Media Ecology Association Treasurer’s Report, Thom Gencarelli, Montclair State University
- NOTES ON THE FIRST MEDIA ECOLOGY ASSOCIATION CONVENTION, Raymond Gozzi, Jr., Ithaca College, with Jim Morrison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Media Ecologists At Work: David Linton Links Media Ecology and the Humanities, Salvatore J. Fallica, New York University
- Call for Nominations for the Media Ecology Association’s 2001 Awards
- MEA Constitution Committee: Call for Participation
- Minutes of the General Business Meeting of the Media Ecology Association First Annual Convention, Saturday, June 17, 2000, Fordham University, New York, Recorded by Janet Sternberg, Historian
- The MEA—A Tetrad by Eric McLuhan, composed on June 17th at the Inaugural MEA Convention
- Call for Papers and Panel Proposals for the MEA Program at the Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-4, Atlanta Hilton and Atlanta Marriott Marquis
- MEA Membership Application/Renewal Form (January-December 2001)