Volume 2
Second Annual Convention
New York University
June 15–16, 2001
Edited by Donna Flayhan
- Editor’s Note [html | pdf]
- Lance Strate, “The Flight of MinErvA’s Owl” (President’s Address) [html | pdf]
- Joshua Meyrowitz, “Morphing McLuhan: Medium Theory for a New Millennium” (Keynote Address) [pdf]
- Paul Grosswiler, “Jürgen Habermas: Media Ecologist?” [html | pdf]
- Cheryl Anne Casey, “Online Religion and Finding Faith on the Web: An Examination of Beliefnet.org” [pdf]
- Jean-Paul Fourmentraux, “Internet Artwork, Artists, and Computer Analysts: Sharing the Creative Process” [pdf]
- Norman Steinhart, “The Interactions of Contextualization and Abstraction Within and Between Media: A Fundamental Process of Media Ecology” [pdf]
Shirley Peroutka and Raymond Barcia
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