Toward a Media Ecological Psychopharmacology

by Ronan Hallowell

This article examines the relationship between drugs humans take to regulate their health and manipulate their consciousness and the complex web of media and language that surrounds human beings and contributes to the in-forming of their states of consciousness and their enaction of worlds with fellow beings and their environment. Media influence and co-inform our states of consciousness; drugs also affect human perception and consciousness in profound ways. The effects of drugs or media can be positive, negative, or neutral depending on their organic impact on our physiology and their impact upon our mental states. Whether these effects are positive or negative also depends to some extent upon our hermeneutic(s). Relationships between psychotropic drugs, human interaction with media, the constitution of human consciousness, and the perils and prospects of future human and Earth evolution are explored.

At his request, the author has offered to make copies of this article available by e-mail.


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