The Journal of the Media Ecology Association
Volume 6 • Number 4 • 2007
Editor’s Note
Lance Strate
Hell Exposed: Behind-the-Scenes Documentation of Religious Representations and Behaviors
Cheryl A. Casey
Technology, Soundscapes, and Cultural Representation at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center
Scott Spencer
Globalization and African Women: A Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Effect of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Women
Bosco Ebere Amakwe, HFSN
In the Age of Show Business [Poem]
Hurricane Vinny [Poem]
Lance Strate
Vincent van Gogh Weather Map [Visual pastiche]
Edward A. Wachtel
The Hoax-That-Leads-to-Learning: How the “Truth Context” in Digital Media Stimulates Critical Discourse
Jamie O'Neil
Mediated: How the Media Shapes Your World and the Way You Live in It (de Zengotita)
Tony Kelso
Mediating Religion: Conversations in Media, Religion, and Culture (Mitchell and Marriage)
Cheryl A. Casey
Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter (Johnson)
Flora Keshishian