The Journal of the Media Ecology Association
Volume 6 • Number 3 • 2007
Editor's Note
Lance Strate
Guest Editor's Introduction
Eric McLuhan
Medieval Grammar as the Basis of Bacon's Novum Organum
Herbert Marshall McLuhan
Library Systems in East Asia
Insup Taylor and Wang Guizhi
Plato's Cave—Then and Now
Joan Thornborrow-Steacy
The Tetrad and Phenomenology
Graham Harman
The Missing Media Laws
Marshall McLuhan and Eric McLuhan
Introduction to Marshall McLuhan's Doctoral Dissertation
Walter J. Ong, SJ
Symposium on Marshall McLuhan's The Classical Trivium
The Place of Marshall McLuhan and Thomas Nashe in the Learning of Their Time
Martha Watson
The Medieval Grammatical Roots of McLuhan's Media Exploration
Steve Reagles
War and Peace Among Rhetoric, Grammar, and Dialectics: On Marshall McLuhan's The Classical Trivium
Lance Strate
Love Online: Emotions on the Internet (Ben-Ze'ev)
Tony Kelso
Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind (Wiese)
Stephen Crisomalis
The Unfolding of Language: An Evolutionary Tour of Mankind's Greatest Invention (Deutscher)
Cheryl A. Casey