Pieces by McLuhan
- Florida State University Lecture by Marshall McLuhan, 1970
- McLuhan Studies Issue 5: Convocation Address
Bios of McLuhan
- Who was Marshall McLuhan?
- Brief Biography
- Brief Biography (1911-1980) : Images and Sounds
- CANOE 2000: Herbert Marshall McLuhan
- If Marshall McLuhan were with us today
Books on and by McLuhan
- Marshall McLuhan, Escape into Understanding, W. Terrence Gordon
- Bibliography
- Marshall McLuhan and The Gutenberg Galaxy
- Books for sale
Pieces About McLuhan's Work as a Whole
- Introduction
- Marshall McLuhan: Genealogy and Legacy. James W. Carey.
- Marshall McLuhan : Thomist
- Varsity Arts & Culture -- Whatcha Doin’, Marshall McLuhan?
- World media guru
- The McLuhan Festival of the Future: Searching for McLuhan in Toronto and Beyond
- Understanding McLuhan: An Evening with David Staines
- Marshall McLuhan & Roland Barthes: On the Interplay Between Media,Myth, & Technology
- Marshall McLuhan, Don Idhe, and the North American School of Communication
Pieces on Specific McLuhan Points
- Guay's McLuhan Page
- Dialectical Methods of McLuhan
- Marshall McLuhan and the WWW: Is the Medium Still the Message?
- Marshall McLuhan : Media as "hot" or "cold"
- The Ezra Pound/Marshall McLuhan Correspondence
- McLuhan Studies Issue 3: An Electronic Monument to Marshall McLuhan
- Twinning's McLuhan Page
Study Aids
- Video McLuhan
- Library of Congress Citations
- CD ROM : Understanding McLuhan
- Brief Bits
- Lecture Slides
- Quotations
- Marshall McLuhan Pictures
French Pieces
- Le retour de Marshall McLuhan
- Marshall McLuhan encore parmi nous
- Marshall McLuhan : Professeur de littérature
- Retour vers le futur
- McLuhan : a fait irruption sur la scène internationale,...
- Marshall McLuhan - Plans de leçons
- Marshall McLuhan a une pensée concise et un langage imagé
- McLuhan Conference at York University
Other Related Sites
- Old Messengers, New Media
- McLuhan Global Research Network
- MCS: the Media and Communications Studies Site
- The Home Page of Prof. Bernard Hibbitts
- McLuhan Catholic Secondary School