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    McLuhan Studies
  1. Official McLuhan Website
  2. McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology
  3. McLuhan Studies
    Pieces by McLuhan
  1. Florida State University Lecture by Marshall McLuhan, 1970
  2. McLuhan Studies Issue 5: Convocation Address
    Bios of McLuhan
  1. Who was Marshall McLuhan?
  2. Brief Biography
  3. Brief Biography (1911-1980) : Images and Sounds
  4. CANOE 2000: Herbert Marshall McLuhan
  5. If Marshall McLuhan were with us today
    Books on and by McLuhan
  1. Marshall McLuhan, Escape into Understanding, W. Terrence Gordon
  2. Bibliography
  3. Marshall McLuhan and The Gutenberg Galaxy
  4. Books for sale
    Pieces About McLuhan's Work as a Whole
  1. Introduction
  2. Marshall McLuhan: Genealogy and Legacy. James W. Carey.
  3. Marshall McLuhan : Thomist
  4. Varsity Arts & Culture -- Whatcha Doin’, Marshall McLuhan?
  5. World media guru
  6. The McLuhan Festival of the Future: Searching for McLuhan in Toronto and Beyond
  7. Understanding McLuhan: An Evening with David Staines
  8. Marshall McLuhan & Roland Barthes: On the Interplay Between Media,Myth, & Technology
  9. Marshall McLuhan, Don Idhe, and the North American School of Communication
    Pieces on Specific McLuhan Points
  1. Guay's McLuhan Page
  2. Dialectical Methods of McLuhan
  3. Marshall McLuhan and the WWW: Is the Medium Still the Message?
  4. Marshall McLuhan : Media as "hot" or "cold"
  5. The Ezra Pound/Marshall McLuhan Correspondence
  6. McLuhan Studies Issue 3: An Electronic Monument to Marshall McLuhan
  7. Twinning's McLuhan Page
    Study Aids
  1. Video McLuhan
  2. Library of Congress Citations
  3. CD ROM : Understanding McLuhan
  5. Brief Bits
  6. Lecture Slides
  7. Quotations
  8. Marshall McLuhan Pictures
    French Pieces
  1. Le retour de Marshall McLuhan
  2. Marshall McLuhan encore parmi nous
  3. Marshall McLuhan : Professeur de littérature
  4. Retour vers le futur
  5. McLuhan : a fait irruption sur la scène internationale,...
  6. Marshall McLuhan - Plans de leçons
  7. Marshall McLuhan a une pensée concise et un langage imagé
    Other Related Sites
  1. Old Messengers, New Media
  2. McLuhan Global Research Network
  3. MCS: the Media and Communications Studies Site
  4. The Home Page of Prof. Bernard Hibbitts
  5. McLuhan Catholic Secondary School