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Call for Nominations for the 2019 MEA Awards

The Marshall McLuhan Award for Outstanding Book in the Field of Media Ecology

Open to books published in 2016 or later on any topic related to media ecology. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and two copies for initial screenings; finalists will be instructed to send three copies directly to the judges. Entrants may request simultaneous consideration for the Erving Goffman Award, the Susanne K. Langer Award, the Dorothy Lee Award, and/or the Lewis Mumford Award.

The Erving Goffman Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Social Interaction

Open to books and articles published in 2016 or later that focus on social situations, symbolic interaction, interpersonal communication (both face-to-face and technologically mediated), nonverbal communication, social space, temporal rhythms, rules of engagement, performance of roles, and the presentation of self in everyday life. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and two copies for initial screenings; finalists will be instructed to send three copies directly to the judges. Entrants may request simultaneous consideration for the Marshall McLuhan Award and/or the Walter Benjamin Award.

The Susanne K. Langer Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Symbolic Form

Open to books and articles published in 2016 or later that focus on the ecology of language, semantics, semiotics, codes, symbol systems, aesthetic form, etc. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and two copies for initial screenings; finalists will be instructed to send three copies directly to the judges. Entrants may request simultaneous consideration for the Marshall McLuhan Award and/or the Walter Benjamin Award.

The Dorothy Lee Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Culture

Open to books and articles published in 2016 or later that focus on the ethnographic or intercultural analysis of communication, perception, cognition, consciousness, media, technology; material culture, and/or the natural environment. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and two copies for initial screenings; finalists will be instructed to send three copies directly to the judges. Entrants may request simultaneous consideration for the Marshall McLuhan Award and/or the Walter Benjamin Award.

The Lewis Mumford Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Technics

Open to books and articles published in 2016 or later that focus on the history and/or philosophy of technology or science; studies of specific technologies, techniques, or media, and/or their social, cultural, and psychological effects; analysis and criticism of the technological/information society. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and two copies for initial screenings; finalists will be instructed to send three copies directly to the judges. Entrants may request simultaneous consideration for the Marshall McLuhan Award or the Walter Benjamin Award.

The Walter Benjamin Award for Outstanding Article in the Field of Media Ecology

Open to articles, essays, reviews, and book chapters published in 2014 or later on any topic related to media ecology. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and five copies. Entrants may request simultaneous consideration for the Erving Goffman Award, the Susanne K. Langer Award, the Dorothy Lee Award, and/or the Lewis Mumford Award.

The Harold A. Innis Award for Outstanding Thesis or Dissertation in the Field of Media Ecology

Open to any Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation completed for a degree granted in 2016 or later on any topic related to media ecology. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and five copies.

The Mary Shelley Award for Outstanding Fictional Work

Open to novels, short stories, hypertexts, plays, scripts, comics, audio recordings, motion pictures, videos, and other narrative forms, published or released in 2016 or later, that include media ecology themes, concepts, or insights. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and five copies.

The John Culkin Award for Outstanding Praxis in the Field of Media Ecology

Open to works of art, media production, professional activity or other practical applications of the media ecology approach. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and five copies of supporting materials.

The Louis Forsdale Award for Outstanding Educator in the Field of Media Ecology

Open to any instructor on any educational level. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and five copies of supporting materials.

The Jacques Ellul Award for Outstanding Media Ecology Activism

Open to any individual engaged in political activism whose work is informed by the media ecology perspective. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and five copies of supporting materials.

The James W. Carey Award for Outstanding Journalism

Open to any individual engaged in journalism whose work is informed by the media ecology perspective. Entry requirements: Letter of nomination or self-nomination and five copies of supporting materials.

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Send all entries by November 1, 2018 to

 Brian Cogan
 Awards Officer
 Media Ecology Association
 Department of Communications
 Molloy College
 Rockville Centre, NY 11571

For more information, contact Brian Cogan at bcogan@molloy.edu or +1 (516) 323-3242.