TV The TV screen just pours that energy into you which paralyses the eye; you are not looking at it; it is looking at you. 1977 Most people were struck by the TV coverage of the Kennedy assassination. We were all conscious of great depth of involvement, but there was no excitement, no sensationalism. When involvement is maximal, we are nearly numb. 1964 TV, then, is not part of the 19th-century art-program for the reconquest --of synesthesia. TV is rather the overwhelming and technological success of that program after its artistic exponents have retired. 1961 If television is going to strip us of our civilized individuality, of our separate selves, then we should close down TV. Because, as far as I know, television is incompatible with the continuance of Western man. 1972 For centuries Americans had gone outside to be alone and had gone inside to be warm and sociable. The basic pattern had reversed the custom of the rest of mankind. Suddenly, TV had brought Americans into line with Europe and Asia. Since TV, the young, at least, tend to go outside to be with people and inside to be alone. 1973 The TV image is the first technology to project or externalize our tactile sense. 1961 In the movie you sit and look at the screen. You are the camera eye. In television you are the screen. You are the vanishing point as in an oriental picture. The picture goes inside you. In the movie, you go outside into the world. In television you go inside yourself. 1967 Television . . . is profoundly and subliminally introverting, [creating] an inward depth, meditative, oriental. The television child is a profoundly orientalized being. And he will not accept goals as objects in the world to pursue. 1967 [People] dont see movies on TV; they see TV. 1966 The ideal show on pay TV would be a great composer rehearsing a symphony, not playing his symphony. 1967 TV as a today show is a continuous present. There are really no dates. 1971 When the news team seeks to become the news source by means of direct dialogue rather than by remote report of the event, they are being true to the immediacy of the TV medium in which comments outrank the event itself. 1971