(Synopsis of a paper given at The Festival of Life 1978) Marshall McLuhan The theme of the Conference is clear -- the concern about the attack on human life, the demand for the right to kill. I am going to approach it from the point of view of factors that are not up at the level of consciousness, via the "hidden ground" or the subliminal factors that create or shape the situation that we confront in respect to the current danger to human life. By way of illustration, I will tell you a funny story or two, because in every funny story there is a hidden ground of grievance which makes it funny. The first story concerns a Newfie who was waiting for a plane at Kennedy airport and got into a conversation with a man who was sitting beside him. During the course of the conversation, the man asked: "What do you do?" The Newfie replied: "I'm a rancher, and I have forty acres of diversified ranch activity and it's a very satisfactory set- up. What do you do sir?" The man replied: "Well, I'm a Texan, and I have a ranch too." The Newfie asked: "And how big is your ranch?" The man said: "Well, if we got into my car now and drove until sunset, we'd still be on my ranch". The Newfie looked very consoling and very sympathetic, and said: "I had a car like that once!" Now, if you laughed at that story, you had to respond to two hidden grievances; first, there is the grievance relating to the boastful Texan, and secondly, the grievance relating to the inadequate but complacent Newfie. But in order for a joke to be humorous, there has to be an abrasive or hidden ground of grievance. Here is another illustration: A mother was trying to get her son up to go to school. She said "Son, you simply have to go to school. It's absolutely necessary." The son replied: "Mother, I'm not ever going to go to school again. They laugh at me and throw things at me. You just give me two reasons why I should go to school!" The mother replied: "Well, son, the first reason is that you're forty-three, and the second reason is, you're the principal!" As mentioned earlier, it is the hidden ground of grievance which makes all jokes possible. (It is very difficult, by the way, to translate a joke into another culture because the hidden grievance is never the same when it is translated into another context.) At this point I would like to further discuss the subject of "hidden ground", and one way to approach it is to mention the phrase "grey at three". In the TV age, a three-year-old has been around the world and has seen many human situations. He is much older at three than Methuselah ever was in terms of human experience. This is a hidden ground of information which alters the character of children. Another hidden ground of an entirely different kind is Sputnik. In 1957 Sputnik put the planet inside a man-made environment for the first time in human history. When Sputnik went around the planet, creating a new information environment, the planet was transformed and Nature ceased to exist. The planet then became an art-form, and to use Bucky Fuller's phrase it became "Spaceship Earth" where everybody is a crew-member and there are no passengers. Now, Spaceship Earth has to be totally programmed. The word "ecology" suddenly became pervasive at the moment of Sputnik. The idea that everything on the planet must be controlled and programmed was born at the moment of Sputnik, and this manifested a new hidden ground of information which has transformed the figure of the planet. This is what I have referred to as a "hidden ground". These artificial man-made environments such as Sputnik not only transform the image we have of ourselves but also the image we have of other people. Although they transform the nature of the human situation, nobody takes responsibility for this, because nobody is especially aware that it has happened. You have heard of the "generation gap" which exists between children and parents, and also between post-literacy and pre-literacy, which makes a gap of some 2400 years. Literacy was born when the phonetic alphabet was devised and implemented by the Greeks in the 4th Century B.C. The effect of the phonetic alphabet on the Greeks was revolutionary. It transformed them into private goal-oriented individuals, the first group of human beings on the planet to have individual identities and goals. They became intensely competitive, which led to the break-up of the whole pattern of the old Greek way of life, the matter of Greek tragedy. They destroyed the tribal bonds that had held them together for many centuries and became a highly specialist, visual and logical culture -- the first civilized people, in the sense of having a written code of laws before which all were equal. This event completely transformed the human condition in Greece, and later in Rome. It created the private individual who had never existed anywhere in the world before. And today, with television, we are experiencing the advent once more of the tribal or group-man, and the gap between the TV generation and the origins of individual identity and responsibility is 2400 years. That is quite a generation gap, and it is the first time that any such gap ever happened in human affairs. The new information environment which now dominates our lives is instantaneous and simultaneous; and it is global or planetary in scope. One of the effects is that the entire Western world is psychically moving eastward, and the entire Orient is moving westward, at very high speed. That is, in our time we are accustomed to living through literally centuries of human evolution and development in a few decades. At the speed of light, which is the speed of electric information, the transformations in human affairs and conditions take place at a speed unknown to previous generations, so we literally compress centuries of human development and history in a mere lifetime. This scope and scale of instant information has effects which no one has experienced before, and for which adaptation is practically impossible, since nobody can psychically adapt to the speed of light. At the speed of light, by the way, we do not have bodies. When you are "on the air", or "on the telephone", you do not have a physical body. This is one of the hidden effects or a hidden ground of an environment of electric information. Such an environment deprives us of our physical bodies. On the telephone, you can be everywhere in the world at the same moment, and on the air, you are everywhere at the same moment, without a body. I am asking you what might be the effects on our private identity of having no body? Actually, the lessening or the diminishing of private identity by the discarnate condition has proven to be extraordinary. When people don't have bodies, they are like people in a dream who just move in and out of each other like fantasy. James Joyce said about Finnegans Wake, "I put the language to sleep so that words could move back and forth through each other like a dream". At the speed of light, the people on the planet, minus their bodies and minus their identities, move back and forth through each other in forms we have come to call "newscasts". This kind of hidden environment of service information has effects which have never been explored or discussed, even in theology or science; yet the problems of discarnate man in relation to an incarnate church may be expected to create a storm. One of the effects of television is to make the group supreme. The new simultaneous information environment tends to push the right hemisphere of the brain up into dominance for the first time in 2400 years. I am now referring to the newly broached theme of the right and left hemispheres of the human brain which modern surgery has revealed. The hemisphere matter is not a psychological theory; it is based on empirical experiment in the world of neurosurgery; and the general pattern which has been revealed is that the human being has two hemispheres in his brain, each of which have quite different characteristics, yet are interrelated by the corpus callosum. Everything that we relate or conceive to be part of our educational or political establishment has long been related to the left hemisphere of the brain. This hemisphere depends for its dominance upon a visual environment of lineality, e.g., roads, assembly lines, print. The neglected right hemisphere, which is little used in the West, is intuitive, holistic, emotional, musical, acoustic and simultaneous, and it is now experiencing an enormous increase of activity because of the new electric environment of simultaneous information. Instant information creates a new kind of environment of services which pushes the right hemisphere up into compelling dominance. Suddenly we find our legal institutions, our morality, our educational and political institutions considerably out of phase. Everything that we have long (in the Western world) called "private responsibility", "private identity", and "personal morality" -- all of these things relate to the functions of the left hemisphere. By contrast, the right hemisphere is tribal and corporate, creating group man, not private individual man. In the TV programme Roots, Mr. Hailey represented a Westernized black, endowed with private identity, seeking nostalgically for his group identity back in Africa. The nostalgic quest for roots on the part of a private man looking for his tribal identity is a peculiar pattern of our time, as in Star Wars. It is a great paradox that individuals in the United Sates should be seeking to discover, not their private identity, but their group identity -- in Africa. I should mention that the Third World (China, Africa, India, and many smaller areas) exists entirely in relation to the right hemisphere of the brain. Now the Third World is moving toward the left hemisphere as fast as possible, and is setting up the means of achieving private identities and material and quantitative goals of achievement. The left hemisphere is the world of jobs, and the right hemisphere is the world of role-playing. Today, in the electric age, job-orientation is getting very, very weak and role-playing is becoming more and more part of our experience. Women's Lib is one small aspect of this change, or flip. Women are natural role-players, having been experienced in that for many generations. A mother does not have a job, she has a hundred jobs, that is, a role. Increasingly, the executive of our electric time does not have a job, but role. Under electronic conditions of information, the executive also ceases to be a mere job-holder and becomes a role-player. World affairs are increasingly characterized by right-hemisphere role-playing rather than repetitive, specialized job-holding. The entire work situation is altering, and the structure of work and jobs is changing very rapidly in a direction of role-playing, meaning multiple jobs. It's a world, in other words, where women would find themselves very much at home. Men, on the other hand, increasingly find themselves alienated from this new right hemisphere world. Having been accustomed to private job-holding and repetitive work for a long time, men find that their habitual specialism is out of phase and they, too, are now expected to switch into role-playing, at which women are very much better than they are. Women's Lib in other words, is part of this hidden ground of changeover to the new group identity. I think it was Rose in Upstairs, Downstairs who was once asked during a TV interview if she ever got confused when switching from one part to another in many different dramas. She replied: "No. When you are in a role, you cannot make a mistake." When you are in a role, you are infallible. When Hudson is playing his role as butler, he cannot make a mistake. As Mr. Jackson, outside of his role, he might make many mistakes, but as Hudson he cannot make a mistake. Now, this draws attention to a peculiar characteristic of tribal or group man who has no private identity, but he is infallible when he is in his role. Tribal societies offer a place to everybody, but nobody can make a mistake in a tribal society. Everybody knows exactly what has to be done, and he does it. However, in our kind of left-hemisphere world we can make many mistakes. Somebody was once asked: "Have you learned from your mistakes?" He replied: "I certainly have. I can repeat every one of them!" The problem is that when history repeats itself, the charge goes up and up! In fact, the price for replays is too high. The educational structure of our classrooms and our curricula are entirely left hemisphere with their specialisms and their different little classified compartments of knowledge. In a tribal or electronic world there is no place or no need for such specialism. Ivan Illich, of course, simply says: "You can close your schools now. The answers are outside in the cities, or in the community at large." If the answers are outside, then why not put the questions inside? Why not really begin to look at the situation? Answers are easy -- questions are hard. Our Western schools, with their highly competitive goal- oriented curriculum, have exactly no relation to the electronic world where people are now experiencing a new non-competitive role-playing pattern of involvement in communal processes. Even the word "involvement" is a reminder of how much things have changed. Instead of detachment and objectivity, on which educated people have prided themselves for centuries, we are now invited to become totally subjective and to involve ourselves in depth in the situations we confront. Apropos the right to life, I don't think I need stress that when people become group-oriented and have lost their private identities, it is not easy to convince them about the right to individual or private life. People without identity are not easily convinced that private identity means anything. Mass, or electronic, man is not concerned about the private right to life. That indifference is the new hidden ground that we're all up against, suddenly flipping over into a tribal society which has much concern with the group and very little concern with the private individual. In the world of the data-bank and social services, the individual becomes a statistic. He is part of a computerized program, and his private identity is meaningless. He is a replaceable bit in a computer programme. That is the world we have created. I'm not talking about Star Trek, or some fantasy, but a world we have actually created, and with whose subliminal, hidden consequences, we are now faced. At the speed of light the unconscious tends to surface and to move up into consciousness, so that what Freud set out to do in 1900 in The Interpretation of Dreams, has now been pretty well accomplished. In the 1970's the unconscious has surfaced, and we are now confronting it as our new consciousness of group responsibility. In relation to the right to life, I am inviting you to think about the problems of maintaining individual rights in a trendy world which has gone completely group-tribal-collective. It is a frightening prospect to confront such a technological revolution that has taken place so recently and so fast that we have had no time to adapt, and very little time to recognize what was happening. Let me illustrate how, from a political standpoint, some of these new effects manifest themselves. One of the normal features of information speed-up is de-centralizing. One of the political consequences of extreme de-centralizing and the negating of legalistic and logical bonds, is separatism. Separatism is not something peculiar to Canada. It is actually very much present in the United Kingdom and in France. The Scots, the Welsh, and the Irish want to separate from England. There is not a single part of the world in which there is not a huge separatist movement. This is a consequence of the hidden ground of electric information. When you live in a simultaneous world, the constitutional bonds, moral bonds and legal bonds, become tenuous. The separatist territories like Scotland, Wales and Ireland are oral rather than literate in their bias and in their cultural preference. Oral cultures have great difficulty living with literate, written cultures. The American South wanted out of the Union in 1860. They found it very hard to live with the fragmented, literate, industrial North, because the Southern culture is strongly musical, oral, tribal and simultaneous. The deep South is the land of rock-and-roll and jazz and old-fashioned English. All music comes out of oral cultures. The highly civilized cultures, the ones with the dominant left hemisphere, do not produce music readily. So the right hemisphere people are the ones who produce the music, and in Canada the Quebecois are the music-makers: they are the artistic people. The business people, the industrial people of the left hemisphere are not music-makers, but money- makers. One of the peculiarities of politics under the electric hidden information environment is that parties and policies become very unimportant, and the image of the leader becomes all-important. "Charisma", a term that came into politics with TV, means looking like a lot of other people. Richard Nixon did not look like a lot of other people -- he looked like Richard Nixon, therefore he had no charisma, and no capacity for remaining in his role. President Jimmy Carter, on the other hand, has huge charisma -- the "Huck Finn" man who is a born leader because he has this group quality. The First World is the world of the left hemisphere, the world of goals and objectives. The Second World, e.g., Russian Socialism, is a kind of maverick world where an oral culture is being subjected to a high-speed industrialization. The Third World is a world that does not have the alphabet, or a visual, Euclidean culture. We, in the First World, are moving very rapidly toward Third World conditions. The TV generation is Third World, and the parents are First World. As I have mentioned previously, the gap is at least 2400 years. There is a Fourth World, that is, the electric information represented by Sputnik and our other electronic services which goes around the entire planet and includes everybody. All of us are now included in that information environment of the planetary type. Now, just what are our prospects, and what are our obligations? If that is the hidden environment against which we must move and have our being, if that is the environment in which we are confronted with the problems of the right to life, how do we diagnose it? How do we confront it? I am not pretending to have the answers. I simply suggest that until you know the hidden ground of this new information environment, you are not in a very good position to prescribe or to act. The question of morality under conditions of tribal group-orientation is a very confusing one. The Catholic Church has manifested that confusion on a massive scale since Vatican II. The Catholic Church is itself a right-hemisphere institution that is completely tribal; the body of Christ is a tribal, simultaneous institution or thing that includes everybody; but the Catholic Church opted for literacy and left hemisphere Graeco/Roman culture from the very first century right up to the present time. Now that left hemisphere church finds itself in a right hemisphere world without any guidelines. This issue was not broached at Vatican II. At the Council of Trent, nobody noticed that it was Gutenberg who made all the problems, and at Vatican II, nobody mentioned the hidden ground of electric information which has created all the moral and theological problems of our time. I am not offering panaceas or solutions. I am merely suggesting that if we know the situation we are working in, we might well be in a position to do a better job.