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Joining the Media Ecology Association

If you are interested in: the nature, history, and impact of technology, media, and symbol systems; the study of communication, consciousness, and culture; technological determinism, media evolution, information, and cybernetics; the study of media codes, media literacy, and media education; orality, literacy, secondary orality, and postliteracy; oral, scribal, typographic, and electronic cultures; the graphic revolution and image culture; scholars such as Marshall McLuhan, Harold Innis, Walter Ong, Neil Postman, Lewis Mumford, and Jacques Ellul; then you should be a member of the Media Ecology Association.

How to Join

Annual dues for 2019 are as follows:

Student* US$50

Regular US$100

Sustaining Membership** US$200

Institutional US$250

* Full-time students only; please include a copy or scan of your full-time student ID card

** Regular Membership + Early Convention Registration Rate

Membership extends from January 1 through December 31 annually.

If you wish to submit your membership via check and postal mail, you may download a PDF version of the membership form.

Membership Benefits

You don’t have to be an academic to join. Although many of our members are researchers and scholars, our membership includes nonacademics, teachers, doctors, lawyers, religious leaders, media professionals, and people working in tech.

Convention Fees

  • Regular Member Early Registration:  $100
  • Regular Member Registration:  $125
  • Student Member Early Registration: $40
  • Student Member Registration: $50
  • Student Nonmember Registration: $60
  • Nonmember Registration: $250

Membership Status

To check your status go to the Members page.

You will need a generic password, if you don’t have it yet please email to the Executive Secretary at secretary@media-ecology.org.